President Report from Kristina Hall

Dear Members
I would like to take
the opportunity to introduce the new team and myself in this
newsletter as well as update you on the progress of our new premises.
We are now entering a new chapter in the life of Impress in our own
premises. This of course brings new challenges and issues. We are now
in our tenth year and hope to continue on for many more with the
support of our membership.
The new Management
Committee consists of Ellie Neilsen as Vice president, Stephen Cronin
as Secretary, Astrid Moss as Education and Workshop Coordinator,
Karen Kaese as Membership Communications Coordinator and Paula
Quintela as Studio Coordinator. There are three extra Committee
positions, these are held by Jude Roberts, Tim Mosely and Margaret
Wilson. We regret that family issues have meant that our Treasurer,
Angela Gardner will be spending some time away in the UK and as a
result has resigned from the position. Our thoughts are with her at
this time. Sue Pickford, who was elected for the position of
Exhibition Coordinator, has taken up the position of acting Treasure
until we are able to find a replacement. There will be a callout for
the positions of Treasurer and /or Exhibition Coordinator.
We began the month with
a few glitches that are now hopefully rectified. Our website wasn’t
functioning effectively, particularly the membership page for
renewals. I am happy to say this page is now functioning and members
can renew their membership. The Blog and Facebook page are also other
places where members can stay in touch with what is happening.
Studio is coming along with the near completion of the
Screen-printing area and repair of three presses. I would like to
thank Paula Quintela, Jenny Sanzaro-Nishimura, John Doyle, Gwenn
Tasker and Carolyn Craig for their work in the studio. The
Lithographic presses have been repaired and are ready for use.
Members can gain knowledge and skills in Lithography in the workshop
run by Claudia Husband. The middle size etching press is also on the
way to being functional.
With many of the
teething problems of moving into a new facility become resolved we
can look forward to having many members involved in the studio and
workshops creating prints. Impress Printmakers Studio and Gallery is
a community based arts organisation run by its members for its
members, we are all Impress. I would also like to announce that
around October we will be having a members exhibition and you will
soon be receiving an expression of interest for Impressions Eight.
Kristina Hall
Pictured above in blue top is Kristina demonstrating Solar Plate etching during Impress Month Of Print in March 2014
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